A third of Kiwis say they would hire a hybrid car (or EV) for environmental reasons, while one in five would take public transport if it was available.

Canstar’s new research into New Zealanders’ favourite hire cars reveals how interest in environmental transport options remains high, insights that are reflected in the success of the Government’s Clean Car Discount scheme, which comes as travel booms, with concerns around COVID fading.

The research was done to find the “Most Satisfied Customers, Hire Cars Award” winner for 2023 which is GO Rentals, for the fourth time.

GO Rentals owns a fleet of Teslas and BYD Atto 3 battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and is building its fleet of hybrid vehicles, aiming to have a third of its fleet electric or hybrid within the next year.

tesla vehicle in front of go rentals

It achieved five stars in each of the “Customer Satisfaction” categories, being overall satisfaction, value for money, customer service, vehicle availability, booking process, and transparency of costs.

GO Rentals’ performance is impressive, says Canstar New Zealand general manager Jose George.

“New Zealanders love travelling and being able to hire a car easily and at an affordable price makes all the difference to the experience.

“Our research shows GO Rentals satisfies its customers at every touchpoint, which is impressive.” “They also offer electric hire cars, including Teslas, which will be appreciated by the significant numbers of New Zealanders who wish to lighten their environmental footprint.”

GO Rentals chief operating officer James Dalglish says: “To be given five stars in each of the Customer Satisfaction categories motivates us to continue delivering outstanding service and to constantly innovate to maintain our position as a leader in the car rental industry.”

He also notes GO Rentals’ commitment to the Tiaki Promise – which prioritises caring for New Zealand (people and place) now and for future generations and supporting sustainable tourism.

By choosing an EV a customer’s carbon emissions are 10 times lower than a standard petrol car. GO Rentals also partners with CarbonClick, which offers customers the opportunity to offset their vehicle emissions.

Nearly half (49%) say ease of online transaction is their main consideration when making a booking, while more than a third (35%) say drop-off and pick-up procedures could be made easier.

About 38% say they consider a car’s safety rating when hiring a car, and 40% would pay for extra insurance.

Latest tourism figures show overseas visitors to New Zealand have increased 335% post COVID, to nearly 230,000 people through 2022.

Domestic tourism expenditure has also increased, by 1% to $24.6 billion.

Many other car hire companies are also moving to EVs and low-emission vehicles. Click here for more information.

About GO Rentals:

GO Rentals is a Kiwi-owned and operated car rental company. As trusted local experts with 24 years of experience in the travel industry, their focus on technology, innovation, and visitor experience has seen them grow from a small family-owned business to a multi-award winning national brand.

GO Rentals currently has nine branches nationwide, Including Auckland (City and Airport), WaihekeWellingtonNelson, Christchurch, Queenstown, Dunedin, and Invercargill.

Kiwi consumers acknowledged GO Rentals as New Zealand’s favourite car rental provider in 2023. GO Rentals was the clear winner of Canstar Blue’s award for Most Satisfied Customers being the only company to earn a top 5-Star award for Overall Satisfaction.